New Class button missing
Unable to create a new class as the "add class" button is missing.
Can you make these changes?
I would love to see two changes: 1. Can you please list the AI report percentage on the roster as you do for the similarity percentage. So often, we need to talk to students about the AI percentage…
Academic Engagement
Purpose: Academic engagement is required for good academic result and for building career of the students. Management students get ready to serve mostly corporate sectors and corporates look for…
LTI 1.3 webinar - Second timeslot available. Sign up today!
Tue Mar 11 at 4 PM - 5 PM PDThttps://turnitin.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_u4yfuCr8Ri6koaQSlaEPIQ#/registration1 going -
LTI 1.3 Webinar- Sign up today!
Tue Mar 11 at 7 AM - 8 AM PDThttps://turnitin.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_UPVXS8KhR6Kp7ibYM3y-kA2 going -
AI not working?
We have a recent issue where submissions of known AI (tested through other software/websites) is reported on Turnitin as 0%. We also tested generated AI on several occasion,…
Reminder: Turnitin's AI writing score is not "one size fits all"
What I'm about to share is a bit different than my usual as I'm going to reshare a blog that was published last year. The full text can be found here, but for posting in TEN,…
Feedback, ideas, feature requests
Hi, I remember there used to be an area of Turnitin's website where we could put forward feature requests/ideas and vote on existing ones. Does anyone know if this still exists and where I might find…
Feature Request: Detecting Fabricated Arguments in Text/Documents
Hi TEN Community! I’d like to address a significant issue in academia: the prevalence of fabricated arguments in research sources. As educators dedicated to upholding academic integrity,…
Administrators: Paper Deletion requests from Instructors.
When we receive the email re. Paper deletion requests weekly, there is no indication which sub domain the papers are in. Opening the link in the email directs us to the home page - which is fine if…